Friday, August 27, 2010

I'm in a Bed!

Surprise! New photo! This is me in bed, with possible mono! Fun!!

Faith, Love and Dynamite<3

P.S. that last reference to 'fun' was completely sarcasm.

Bloody Nightmare!

103 pounds. 5 feet 2 inches. Body strength equivalent to that of a sponge. Am I scaring you yet? Does these stats send shivers of terror down your spine? No? Well if you were the nurse assigned to take my blood, you would be! After a week of straight sleep I went to see my doctor, and she went me for a bunch of blood tests. I didn't have to wait long before I was called into the lab to get pricked. I sat in the chair and greeted the nurse with a warning, "You''ll want to use the butterfly needle, and you'll want to take it from my hand". The nurse, although kind, I could tell had more confidence in herself than I did. She decided to check my arms first despite my warning. The look on her face quickly went to sheer terror. She kindly excused herself and went to get another nurse for some extra support. I sat there feeling bad for the nice nurse. In all fairness I did warn her, but I knew deep down she had no clue what she was in for. My veins are very tiny, very deep, and very flat. To get the needle in a vein is a challenge in itself, but to get the blood to flow out of that vein is a whole other problem. The nurse returned to where I was bringing with her another nurse. The second nurse checked both my arms and muttered a profanity. They decide to heed my warning and attempt getting blood from my hand. They tightened the rubber band around my wrist so tight it left an imprint that lasted over a hour. They then gave me a hot water bag to place on my hand in hopes of making the vein plump up a bit more. After 5 minutes they were ready to try taking blood. They got the vein, but the blood only dripped out. After a few minutes there was a bubble of blood forming near the needle and the nurse had to pull it out. Attempt #1 resulted in a vile filled up about a centimeter with blood, and my hand with a bruise the size of a Toonie. A few more profanities were mumbled by the nurses. I then sat with the rubber band on my other wrist and the hot water bag on my other hand. After another 5 minutes we were ready for attempt #2. The nurses switched positions this time and the second nurse gave my hand a try. Results from attempt #2 were no better than the first. They were able to get 1 quarter of a vile filled, and a centimeter of another one before that vein ran dry. Neither vile were as full as they needed them to be but it would have to do. The nurses put in big red letters "Try EXTRA hard to get the results from this amount. Patient's veins were VERY difficult" on the sheet that was to be sent to the lab with the viles of blood. I'll know by Monday if I need to go back in and get more blood taken. 

I may be little and not very strong but to a Phlebotomists I'm a bloody nightmare! 

Anyhow I'm going back to bed!

Faith, Love and Dynamite<3

Monday, August 23, 2010

Birds, Bees, and the Deed

I never had to go through the agony of a conversation with my mom pertaining to the reproduction ritual of humans. I never paid much attention to the matter in Health class either. All I know is two things- 1) I have enough knowledge about the topic to get the 'deed' done when it comes time to, and 2) no matter how much I try to reason it, birds and bees DO NOT make a good representation of the matter. In fact the whole idea of bees being involved causes me to be even more fearful of them. I have no idea what gender the birds are nor the gender of the bees. Who comes up with such analogies? Is this another way for Catholics and parents to promote abstinence, by confusing the heck out of us?! If so mission accomplished! Feel free to Google the subject at your own risk. If you find out what birds and bees have to do with the whole process report back to me. I'm curious, am I a bird or a bee?

Faith, Love and Dynamite<3

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Big Box Stores Minus the Big Boxes

Today was a fun day. I woke up early and headed off to help out with Kids Camp. In the morning I ran games and by lunch time my voice was gone. After having a quick sandwich for lunch I began talking with others about what the games were going to be after lunch. They decided on doing an obstacle course using gymnastic mats. As a joke I suggested we make a giant bed from all the mats and just have nap time. I lied down on one as a joke to give an example. What had started out as a joke, turned into a 2 hour nap. Oops! I guess I was more tired than I realized. After my nap I finished off the Kids Camp day, and went on a mini hunt. Turns out tomorrow they are making prayer huts and they needed big boxes. So where would one find big boxes? At the big box stores of course! Well at least that's what I thought, but after calling every Home Depot, Lowe's, Costco and Sears in the area we were still without boxes. Not to worry though, I called the Brick as my last resort and they had some, so we are all good. But it got me thinking, it's ironic that big box stores don't sell big boxes or even have big boxes on site. There is something wrong about that. Anyhow that was my day. Simon Tofield has come out with a new Simon's Cat video. It's about boxes. Enjoy!

Faith, Love and Dynamite<3

Monday, August 16, 2010

Senior Sexi has Arrived!

So I came up with a name for my laptop. With it's brown exterior and sleek keyboard it reminds me of a well dressed Mexican man. Think more Zorro than Carlos from the corner store. So I have named it Senior Sexi.

 In other news, Great Wolf Lodge was great! The two boys were very brave and went down all the slides they could. It surprised both me and my cousin because they had both just recently learnt how to swim with life jackets, let alone go down crazy slides alone without any life jackets. Overall the weekend was lots of fun, and it left us all exhausted! :)

Faith, Love and Dynamite<3

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Weekend of Awesome Events

Tomorrow is Friday, and thus begins a weekend of awesome events. First thing tomorrow I will be loading into a vehicle with 2 excited little boys and my cousin Liz. We are being treated by my work place with a free night at Great Wolf Lodge. The two boys have just learnt to swim, and have never been to a hotel before. I expect that they will be overwhelmed with fun. It'll be nice for me to spend some time with my cousin too. When I was younger I would always hang out with her when we visited Gananoque. Now that she's married, and I'm busy with growing up, we really haven't been in a one-on-one position since. So I think it will be good, and fun. She's a fun cousin. Now if going to a free overnight water park with people I love was the only awesome thing happening this would not be the 'weekend' of awesome events. On Saturday the awesome continues I will be using this computer for the last time ever! I'm so excited, I've waited for over a year to buy a new computer and this weekend that is going to happen. So Saturday I'll be backing up my files and all that geeky jazz. Sunday is church, and I find that recently God has been really working on me. I'm excited to praise and worship the great and mighty God! After church there is always a group of people doing awesome things, so I'll just join into on that. Monday* is THE day! I buy my new laptop, and the awesome weekend of awesome events is complete! I'm so excited for it all!  :)

Faith, Love and Dynamite<3

*Mondays are considered still part of the weekend in my world since I don't work Mondays.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

What Shall We Call It?

Today my long awaited tax return finally can in. I'm excited because I plan on using the extra money to buy a new laptop. This new laptop will be an Asus, it will have Blu-ray and it will play Star Craft 2. I should be picking it up sometime Saturday, or Monday at the latest. Before I pick up the laptop I need to pick a name for it. My last laptop was named "Beastly". What do you think I should name it?

Faith, Love and Dynamite<3

Sunday, August 8, 2010

My Mindset - Logic or Lack There of

I often get asked what goes on in my mind on a daily basis. I decided I'd let you in on how I think... at least on a few topics:

Fingernails in Public-
      When I get on the bus I often get self-conscious of the length of my finger nails. I worry someone might think I'm a crack addict. Truth is I just lost my nail clippers and the result of such is now showing on my freakishly long nails.

     Wedgies are the worst thing in the world to get in public. I always get nervous that someone will be able to tell that I have one. I then start to argue in my head about what is worse, having everyone know I have a wedgie and think that I'm fine with such a predicament due to my lack of action against it or having everyone see me pick the wedgie out. Is it the crowd I'm nervous of? Or am I too cowardly to rescue myself from the situation, thus admitting to myself that I'm actually going through this ordeal in public? Either way it's just a terrible thing to have happen.

Bus Seat Selections
     When I sit on a bus I sit in the window seat if possible. On the occasions that I am fortunate enough to have an empty see beside me, I don't dare put my purse/luggage there. I think it is rude and I wouldn't want someone else's belongings to be the only thing stopping me from sitting down. That being said, with every new passenger that boards the bus there is a tiny prayer sent up from my seat asking for that not to be the person who has to sit next to me. How hypocritical is that?!

Well those are a few of my daily thoughts, hope you enjoy them!

Faith, Love and Dynamite<3

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Frustrations over Finicky Things

So this morning I went into work early (8:00am) so that I could make up a disc for a mediation our firm was doing. I worked on the disc for over an hour and a half, and every moment of it was a challenge. I didn't have access to certain things (important things) and the CD decided to resort back to default settings causing me to have to reformat all them all again. If that wasn't annoying enough I also had to deal with missing and broken links. Searching our entire database looking for a link that wasn't labelled properly then finding the document that it was meant to be and relinking it, took some time and patience. I finally finished the disc and felt a wave of satisfaction sweep over me. That wave was short lived as I soon found out that the lawyers had all already left for the mediation, without the laptop or my prepared disc!! Ah! Sure most the time you don't need the disc or laptop for the mediation, they are just luxuries. But still I wrestled with that finicky disc for over a hour, so I'm slightly frustrated. Break is over, and so must be my rant.

Faith, Love and Dynamite<3

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Past...In New Light

One of my memories as a child was of the great ice storm of 1998. I remember staying with family and friends during that time, and doing things old school way. With no electricity and in some places no water, accomplishing even the most basic chores was difficult. At the time, my friends and I found fun in the nature of outside and in simple activities such as walks. One thing that sticks out in my mind the most about that time, was our reliance on candles. I remember every night playing board games or reading a book with the family by candle light. Today I decided to recreate those memories, in a way. Today I lit a candle and opened up a jigsaw puzzle. The aroma was soothing and when I was unable to find a certain peace, the scent helped keep me calm. One memory I did not mean to create was the memory of how important natural light is. As it got darker, I realized that my candle would not be sufficient. Well I guess I'll give in and turn on the electricity.

Faith, Love and Dynamite<3

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Exploring the Plantations

Back in the day before Counterstrike, Halo, or even StarCraft there was one game that captured the attention of educators and school children alike. Oregon Trail was a "school approved" game that was serious fun. It had strategy, it had death from dysentery and many other ails, it had trading and selling, river forging and trail blazin' obstacles to be overcome. Best of all it had hunting! I remember the excitement of shooting my first rabbit. Sure the bison brought home more meat, but boy were those rabbits quick and a dang to shoot. Another huge component to the game was the family you took with you. This was the first taste of what would later be The Sims. You were given 5 people to name and give careers to. The careers would help you blaze the trail and survive while doing it. I remember giving the names of my crush and future family with that crush to each character, and starting over if my crush died. Ah the nostalgic memories! I still have my copy of the game, unfortunately my computer won't run such a old game. Anyhow, what sparks a girl to reminisce about the good ol'days of educated PC games at midnight? Well I just found this: Oregon Trail: The Official Movie Trailer  I challenge those who have played the game to watch it and tell me they don't have an urge to suddenly start playing again!

Well I had planned on posting the explanation of both my name 'RiantGorkette' and my sign off 'Faith, Love and Dynamite<3', but Oregon Trail trumps useless knowledge about myself any day! Don't worry, I'll explain that stuff another day. Until then though,

Faith, Love and Dynamite<3

Monday, August 2, 2010

Nothing of Importance/Importance of Nothing

This blog is not important in the sense that I will be faithful to it, updating it daily. Then again there is a certain importance that nothingness is due. It is very therapeutic to allow yourself to think in ink (or type in this case). Whether the thoughts are well thought out, or not has no effect on the benefits of getting it all out. So here we are, this is a blog of nothing of importance, but at the same time the importance of nothing.

Faith, Love and Dynamite <3