Monday, August 23, 2010

Birds, Bees, and the Deed

I never had to go through the agony of a conversation with my mom pertaining to the reproduction ritual of humans. I never paid much attention to the matter in Health class either. All I know is two things- 1) I have enough knowledge about the topic to get the 'deed' done when it comes time to, and 2) no matter how much I try to reason it, birds and bees DO NOT make a good representation of the matter. In fact the whole idea of bees being involved causes me to be even more fearful of them. I have no idea what gender the birds are nor the gender of the bees. Who comes up with such analogies? Is this another way for Catholics and parents to promote abstinence, by confusing the heck out of us?! If so mission accomplished! Feel free to Google the subject at your own risk. If you find out what birds and bees have to do with the whole process report back to me. I'm curious, am I a bird or a bee?

Faith, Love and Dynamite<3


  1. From Wikipedia:

    "According to tradition, the birds and the bees is a metaphorical story sometimes told to children in an attempt to explain the mechanics and consequence of sexual intercourse through reference to easily observed natural events. For instance, bees carry and deposit pollen into flowers, a visible and easy-to-explain metaphor of male fertilisation. Another example, birds lay eggs, a visible and easy-to-explain version of female ovulation."

    It goes on about possible origins, but they're vague.

  2. Oh I see... so the bee sting the bird, the bird gets a bump from the bee's sting, and a baby pops out! Yeaaaa... I still think they could have chosen a better metaphor. But at least I now know I'm a bird! Thanks!
